Laser system technology identifies trace chemicals in the air

A team of researchers from the USA has designed a novel laser system technique that allows identifying electric charges and chemicals of interest with unprecedented sensitivity. Such laser technology may find a potential laser application for scanning vast areas for radioactive material or dangerous chemicals for safety and security aims.
This laser technique, called mid-infrared picosecond laser-driven electron avalanche, registers very low charge densities (the number of electric charges in a specific volume) in the air or other gases. Thus, the laser system technology makes it possible to measure electron densities in the air created by a radioactive source at levels below one part per quadrillion, that is equal to picking out one free electron from a million billion conventional air molecules.
The principle of operation is based on the use of method enabling to calibrate laser systems applied to examine irradiated air from 1 meter away. Herewith, the researchers confirm that such laser technology could be used to identifying other chemicals and species and could be improved for remote detection at distances of 10 meters and even 100 meters.
It should be noted that the laser system technique uses a process of electron avalanche, in which a laser beam accelerates a single free electron in gas until it achieves enough energy to knock a different electron off a molecule, resulting in a second free electron. Also, the electron avalanche process repeats and converts into a collisional cascade that grows exponentially until the appearance of bright observable spark in the laser beam focus.
Despite the fact that the method of laser-driven electron avalanche is not new, however, this is a new kind of high-energy, long-wavelength laser system — a picosecond mid-IR laser that is able to detect localized collisional cascades seeded only by the initial free electrons. Herein, it is possible to generate the original free electrons seeding the avalanches directly by laser protons when shorter wavelength laser beam pulses are applied.
Finally, this laser system technology overcomes conventional Geiger counters and scintillators, traditional detectors of radioactive decay products because it resolves the problems of signal dropping distances far from the radioactive source. Nonetheless, a laser beam allows researchers to remotely examine electrons created in the air near the source.
Also, the researchers affirm that potential applications of the laser technique include the measurement of ultra-low charge densities from such sources as strong field physics interactions or chemical species. Nevertheless, the presented laser technology is not ideal and requires improvements to make the technique more practical for use in the field.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

Early detection of natural disasters by laser systems

Natural disasters are considered to be horrifying because they often cause numerous deaths that is why researchers all around the world look for the way of preventing or prepare for the events. Thus, a group of scientists from the USA has developed a new early-detecting system that is potentially able to forecast various natural disasters by using laser system technology.
Despite the fact that this laser system is still in the preliminary phase, it was tested and the system based on laser technology predicted a tornado appearing half an hour before. Another laser application of the system is the data collection about earthquakes that consequently lead to better constructions.
Moreover, the laser system enables to measure volcanic eruptions and hurricanes appearing in remote areas that might influence air traffic. Therefore, the laser technology ability of early detection may allow reducing the damage from natural disasters because building codes often disregard the ground rotation effects.
It should be noted that the operation of the laser system is based on the use of a ringed laser interferometer, where a laser beam of high quality is split into two parts that enable to identify sources of infrasound (both atmospheric and geological). To be more precise, a plasma tube in the ring fiber laser produces a laser beam in both a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
In the case of clockwise rotating of laser system cavity, more time for a photon moving is required to overcome the circumference of the cavity. Otherwise, less time is necessary, but the speed of light produced by a laser beam remains constant. Also, it should be noted that the combination of the clockwise and counterclockwise laser beams produces a ‘beat note’ that is proportional to the rotation of the Earth. Finally, a horizontal ring laser system installed away from the equator will carry out the measurements of its rotation.
Besides tornado early detection, ring laser systems are also able to identify infrasound from hurricanes and volcanoes. The thing is that ash resulting from volcanic eruptions may destroy jet engines, that is why the possibility of laser system technology to identify volcanic eruptions in relatively remote places like the Aleutian Islands could ensure the safety of commercial aircraft that periodically fly over the region.
Optromix Inc., headquartered in Cambridge, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of fiber lasers, СО₂ lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, dye lasers, and excimer lasers. We offer simple laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
The company manufacture lasers using our own technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are of high quality, high precision, easily-automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility. If you are interested in Optromix laser systems, please contact us at

Organic laser system diodes with low losses and electricity requirements

Researchers from Japan confirm that it is possible to use laser technology for lasing by direct electrical stimulation of an organic film. Later they have demonstrated a laser system diode that is based on organic semiconductors. Traditionally, organic laser system diodes create a pure light, however, higher magnitudes of currents are required than it is usually applied in OLEDs to provide the laser technology process.
Thus, it is quite difficult to obtain enough electrical charges in numerous organic materials because of their high level of resistance to the electricity before the materials heat up and burn out. Moreover, most organic materials and laser system devices operating under high currents face different loss processes, consequently, the efficiency reduces and the necessary current up becomes higher.
In order to resolve the mentioned issues and successfully present an organic laser system diode, it is required to apply a highly efficient organic light-emitting material (BSBCz) in the laser technology, herewith, the material offers comparatively low resistance to electricity and a low level of losses, in spite of the fact that huge amounts of electricity are injected.
The design of the developed laser device includes a structure with a grid of insulating material on top of one of the electrodes applied to inject electricity into the organic thin films. It should be noted that these grids or distributed feedback structures in laser system devices are able to create the optical effects required for laser technology.
The optimization of the grids opens new possibilities and allows getting the required optical properties, as well as monitoring the electricity flow in the laser system devices, and reducing the amount of electricity necessary to supervise laser system processes from the organic thin film.
The improved laser technology has been tested concerning laser beam emission under current injection. The researchers confirm that the successful laser beam emission is connected with the clear separation of the lasing wavelength from significant absorption because of charge carriers and triplet excitons.
At the present time, the researchers overcome the final obstacles that interfere to make the organic laser system diodes used in commercial applications. Also, they believe that the laser system device can find an application in biosensing, displays, health care, and optical communications.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of doubts in the people community whether it would be possible to realize an organic laser system diode, nonetheless, the laser technology of slowing chipping away at the different performance limitations with developed materials and new laser system device structures finally makes it real.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

Laser beam protects signal proteins participated in tissue engineering

The properties of laser beams generated from fiber laser systems remain largely understudied, that is why fiber laser could be used in various fields of laser application. For example, a group of researchers from Washington uses the light emitted from a laser beam to tether and untether signal proteins to the scaffolds participated in tissue engineering.
The fact is that these proteins transmit special signals in order to manage cell migration, division, and differentiation, herewith, they play a crucial role in growing tissues. Nevertheless, the proteins are highly fragile, that is why conventional techniques applied to save proteins on scaffolds may destroy more than 90% of the proteins’ functionality.
It is planned that the new laser technology enables the researchers to load a hydrogel (scaffold) with numerous types of protein signals and then treat the hydrogel with light from laser beam emitted by a laser system to untether proteins from specific sections of the material.
Thus, by treating only the hydrogels with the laser beam light, the laser technology allows the researchers to manage where protein signals continue to be tethered to the hydrogel. The main aim of such a process is the creation of signal protein patterns throughout a biomaterial scaffold to grow tissues consisted of different types of cells.
It should be mentioned that the proteins are changed so it is possible to tether them chemically to the scaffold with the help of light emitted by the laser beam. Moreover, by treating the tethers to light produced by a laser system, it is possible to make the mentioned above proteins photo released.
This laser system technique has been tested applying a hydrogel loaded with a protein signal. To be precise, members of the research team implemented a human cell line into the hydrogel and supervised the growth factors binding to the cell membranes. The main component of the experiment was a laser beam generated by a laser system to untether the protein signals on one side only of a certain cell.
Herein, on the tethered side, these proteins remained on the outside of the cell because they still sucked in the hydrogel while on the opposite side, the protein signals
On the tethered side, the proteins stayed on the outside of the cell since they were still stuck to the hydrogel. On the untethered side, the protein signals were assimilated by the cell. Therefore, now it is real to ensure that different cells or their different part may get different environmental protein signals due to the laser technology based on the use of laser beam light.
This laser system technology offers highly accurate control at the single-cell level that could be applied not only in tissue engineering but potentially in basic research in cell biology, for better understanding the principle of protein signals’ operation together to manage cell differentiation, heal diseased tissue, and promote human development.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

Polariton nano-laser system operating at room temperature

Today polariton laser systems attract a lot of attention as the next laser technology generation due to its ability to operate at super low power, in spite of the fact that the development of laser modules is limited by problems in controlling the thermal stability of excitons, particularly in nanoscale tools.
Recently a team of researchers from Pennsylvania has presented such a polariton nano-laser system operating at room temperature. They confirm that this laser module can help in numerous related researches, for example, the laser device can be applied in polariton physics at the nanoscale as well as in quantum information systems.
The principle of the laser module operation is based on the material incitation by producing Coulomb-bound states of electron-hole pairs (excitons) strongly interacts with photons, a macroscopic quantum state of exciton-polaritons is created and takes benefits of both the light and the matter, forming very energy-efficient coherent light sources, it is about “polariton laser systems”.
To solve the current problem, the researchers employed “quantum well” that was called so to mean a space that electrons fall freely. Thus, the quantum well was installed on the sidewall of the nanostructure semiconductor laser system. Moreover, the team succeeded in supporting thermally stable excitons in the laser module even at room temperature, on the contrary cases, they are stable just at very low temperatures.
It should be noted that quantum well structure used in the mentioned laser system offers new benefit such as the formation of more efficient and stable exciton-polariton states than before due to strengthening the exciton and light coupling inside the nanostructure semiconductor laser.
Such development allows producing polariton nano-laser systems that demonstrate the stable operation at room temperature, herewith, their power consumption (power density of 180 to 360 mW/cm2 for the acquisition time of 10 s) is considered to be the only 1/10th of conventional nanostructure laser modules.
The research team also claim that the novel nanostructure semiconductor laser system enables to increase the exciton properties and consequently the exciton-polaritons. Finally, it is possible to design the polariton nano-laser system that is able to operate at room temperature conditions with the help of this laser technology. The developed nano-laser device is highly promising because it makes a contribution to the creation of a platform to study the physical phenomena related to the exciton-polaritons at room temperature environment.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

The use of laser systems in illumination products

The operation principle of a LED and a traditional semiconductor laser system is practically the same, it means that light is emitted during the combination of electrons and holes. However, the main difference is that the light of LEDs is emitted in a narrow spectral range while the light from semiconductor lasers is emitted in a single wavelength.
It should be noted that the emission wavelength of devices depends on the used materials. Thus, semiconductor laser systems emit the wavelength, whose ranges vary from infra-red to ultraviolet. The laser applications include such fields as fiber optic communication, barcode readers, disc readers, and laser printing, but the use of laser systems as an illumination product remained impractical up to now.
Similar to conventional laser systems, semiconductor lasers have a resonant cavity to facilitate amplification, to be precise, the cavity consists of two parallel planes, separated by a few hundred µm, that operate as mirrors to direct emitted photons back into the resonant cavity.
Of course, there are some similarities between traditional LEDs and semiconductor laser systems, for example, their source of power is a driver converting AC to DC current, herewith, they both suffer from a drop in light output at increasing temperatures. Nevertheless, semiconductor lasers are not receptive to a “droop” process, during which the increase in drive current causes lower efficacy.
In spite of the fact that usual blue LEDs offer higher efficacy than semiconductor laser systems provide, but it is so only at lower input currents. This is the reason why BMW company offers headlamps based on a laser system that makes them 10 times brighter than traditional LED headlamps and 30 percent more efficient.
The principle of the laser headlamps operation is based on the creation of white laser beams by reflecting semiconductor laser light around inside the headlamp body frame using accurately established mirrors, then focusing the laser beam through a phosphor-filled lens, producing a  white light of high-intensity.
The most important thing is that the semiconductor laser systems can provide efficacies of hundred times or even more that of traditional LEDs, allowing higher light output from the laser beam with smaller die sizes. Nevertheless, the laser system still requires some improvements for future laser applications because of the extremely narrow emission cone (about 1-2 degrees).
Possibly, very soon semiconductor laser systems will be applied in architectural illumination products for which a narrow, high-quality laser beam is advantageous. Therefore, it is possible to place lighting for museums, galleries, retail spaces, and other settings in a small area instead of being spread throughout.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

A potential application of laser systems

Nowadays the use of laser systems in medicine is not a new field of application, they are generally employed for diagnosis of different diseases, in burn scar treatment, bioimaging, dental science, and various surgical procedures. Laser applications are not limited and they continue developing.
Thus, new research made by a group of scientists from the USA demonstrates that laser systems are able to make fluid containing blood cells acting as an optical fiber cable under certain conditions enabling to save the laser beam focus and make it shine through freely.
Fiber laser systems can find new applications in medical diagnostic techniques that use the advantages of blood cells properties. These laser systems can be used for noninvasive imaging through the tissue upon the condition of the laser beam is able to provide deep penetration.
It should be mentioned that the application of laser systems for medical imaging, where getting light from the laser beam to support its shape and power over a distance plays a crucial role in making a precise diagnosis, is highly promising today all over the world.
The group of scientists conducts an experiment to prove their suggestions. They use a green laser system, shine its laser beam into a 3-cm-long vial filled with a suspension of human red blood cells. At the moment, when the laser power is increased, more light passes through the vial.
At the next level, the scientists employ a special device called an optical tweezer that allows measuring the optical forces acting on individual blood cells. Due to advanced technologies, it is possible to demonstrate the principle of laser system operation that is based on the fiber laser that attracts cells into the laser beam and pushes them along the beam’s path.
Moreover, the principle of operation resembles the way that a lens focuses light by changing its path, while blood cells focus the laser beam and help it to penetrate deeper into the blood. Consequently, it is similar to an optical fiber cable that sends the light in a single direction.
Also, it should be noted that this effect depends on the shape of blood cells. The thing is that red cells have the shape of a disc, however, they may shrivel or swell depending on the amount of salt. Nevertheless, Such a laser system can find a potential application in diagnosis such diseases as sickle cell anemia and malaria.
Of course, this research requires numerous improvements before it can be applied in a medical context. For example, it is necessary to optimize the high-quality laser beam for the use in human tissues. At the same time, the laser system will be highly helpful in medical diagnostics and open new possibilities in deep-tissue imaging.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

The difference between 3D and cutting laser systems

Over the last years, laser systems for cutting industry have become the essential device for the intense majority of sheet metal fabricators. All the time, the most preferable tool for fast and precise cutting almost any metal less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) thick is a CO2 laser that continues enlarging its fields of application.
At the time when laser systems appeared out of laboratories, scientists have found another laser application. The development of ultraviolet laser gave birth to additive manufacturing, called 3D printing. 3D laser systems are able to produce virtually all available materials.
Despite the fact, that the light from a laser beam is not the only technology enabled to cure, sinter, melt or even join these various materials, it remains the leader. The technology of metal-based 3D printing is based on the infrared fiber lasers with a wavelength of 1,070 nanometers, whereas conventional laser cutters are based on solid-state fiber or disk laser systems with a wavelength in the range of 1,030 to 1,080 nm.
In spite of the fact that the wavelengths are similar, the wattage differs. Thus, the average power of 3D laser systems is 500 watts, while fiber lasers for cutting can generate up to 6 kilowatts. If that type of lasers was installed in a 3D system, it would burn a hole through the bottom of the device.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that laser power is just one parameter among numerous others. That is why today laser manufacturers tend to provide the versatility of laser systems. For example, they create great lengths that allow making laser products tunable (that can be adjusted to a range of materials).
3D laser system manufacturers employ advanced fiber optics and electronics for quick improvement of laser parameters like makers of laser cutters do. At the present time, it is possible to produce spots of different sizes by changing the crystal orientation for quick scanning huge areas on the inside of the part and following tracing the outline.
Finally, all these changes provide better part quality and faster build speeds of fiber laser systems. The fact is a small spot size is better than a large one because it offers a small melt pool, and consequently, less stress. However, it means that there are lower deposition rates produced by the laser system.
Thus, it is necessary to find a balance between process stability and the cost of fiber lasers. Of course, it is highly difficult to make because of various factors such as layer thickness, powder grain size, powder delivery and application mechanisms, the reflectivity of the raw material, and assorted machine parameters, but the development of a high-beam-quality laser system is required.
Optromix is a fast-growing fiber laser manufacturer and a vendor of optical fiber sensors and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies and develops a broad variety of fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a laser system, please contact us at

Laser systems offer new data concerning Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia

Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia are considered to be the most common brain disorders, which are the results of problems in cells containing parvalbumin protein that represents almost one-tenth of all brain cells, but relatively little is known about their operation. Recently researchers from the USA have started to study the principle of cell operation by stimulating mouse brains with laser systems.
Thus, a custom-built laser system has allowed the researchers from Washington University to find the connection among activity in specific inhibitory neural circuits, cerebral blood flow, and volume. The thing was fiber laser demonstrated that higher activity in particular inhibitory neural circuits decreases cerebral blood flow and volume while excitatory activity evokes blood flow and volume to increase.
Moreover, the researchers discovered unexpected changes in blood volume and flow during stimulation of cells including parvalbumin protein. The used laser technology is based on specially bred mice whose brains are stimulated with laser beam pulses.
The method of brain stimulation with light signals from the laser module, called optogenetics, has enlarged understanding of brain operation as well as the brain process of fear, sense of smell, and even the reason of drug addiction.
It should be noted that optogenetics technology with a fiber laser system is convenient, less invasive, repeatable and easy to use because this technique does not require to put any probes into mouse brains. The principle of laser technology operation is quite simple, the researchers hit the necessary area of the mouse brain with the red colored laser beam, therefore, a desired neural circuit is activated.
Herewith, more neurons are stimulated, more blood and oxygen are produced. At the same time, the use of the laser system enabled to find out the opposite response during the stimulation of parvalbumin-expressing cells. Such a connection between activity in specific neural populations and local changes in blood flow plays a crucial role in the reveal of blood supply regulation by the brain.
Finally, the fiber laser technology reveals that parvalbumin-expressing cells are able to pull back and fine-tune the blood supply in areas where they are activated. A separate laser system technology, called laser speckle contrasting imaging allowed researchers to measure the exact blood and oxygen levels that significantly reduced when parvalbumin cells were excited.
Also, it was found out that parvalbumin cells were the way to transmit messages to faraway parts of the brain to change their hemodynamics, or blood flow, as well. In fact, the information obtained by the laser system will provide a better understanding of parvalbumin’s role in neurovascular coupling, demonstrate its influence on brain development or the emergence of neurological disorders.
Optromix is a fast-growing manufacturer and a vendor of fiber lasers, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and is able to create sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of international R&D team and develops a broad variety of high beam quality fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a fiber laser system, please contact us at

High precision of powerful fiber lasers for welding

High power of fiber laser systems that is necessary for welding of sheet metal, tubes, copper and aluminum in heavy industries also requires a high level of accuracy to avoid defects. That is why operators have a greater responsibility to provide this power with precision and the development of laser system technologies remains important.
At the present time, there are numerous improvements in laser systems that allow solving the mentioned problem. For example, the high precision of a laser beam can be offered by laser power distribution to the inner and outer cores of a two-in-one fiber to provide the ideal join.
Also, some companies suggest employing programmable adjustment of the output beam mode and monitoring technology for the welding process. Such an improvement in laser technologies makes real-time feedback possible for significant processing characteristics.
The achievement of an accurate laser beam can be made through numerous beam modes to enhance the efficiency of coated steels, aluminum, and dissimilar materials. Herewith, new fiber laser systems with continuous wave and quasi-continuous wave options offer more accuracy than conventional lasers.
Fiber laser technology has multiple applications in the automotive, e-mobility and electronics industries, and today it attracts more attention than before due to fiber laser ability to weld in a short period and at the highest quality by tuning the intensity allocation of laser systems.
The thing is that the new laser system includes a two-in-one fiber that consists of two fiber cores located coaxially. Thus, each fiber core can be programmed to create a percentage of the laser’s power, for example, 40% to the inner fiber core and 60% to the outer core. In addition, the level of power tune can achieve 1 percent precision in such a fiber laser.
The main advantages of the fiber laser system include spatter-free laser power allocation, that dramatically accelerates the process, and changeable two-in-one fiber that can be quickly replaced by new fiber in case of its damage because these fibers are standard for fiber laser systems.
Traditionally, CO2 lasers are used for welding processes in heavy industries because of their speed a level of quality. Nevertheless, the new solid-state fiber laser system opens new possibilities for the industry because it allows welding stainless steel sheets and also tubes and profiles with a very high feed rate at good quality almost without spatter.
Optromix is a fast-growing manufacturer of fiber lasers, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. The company offers fast turnkey solutions and creates sophisticated fiber laser systems for special purposes. Optromix uses only its own technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of international R&D team and develops a broad variety of high beam quality fiber lasers. If you have any questions or would like to buy a fiber laser system, please contact us at