Fiber laser systems for use in surgical applications

Low power fiber laser systems have demonstrated excellent results in a variety of applications. In the medical field, this leads to improved patient outcomes, and convenient and user-friendly tools for healthcare professionals. In science, this leads to astounding scientific innovations and developments. For example, in research they are used to analyze processes such as chemical reactions.Fiber lasers for use in surgical applications

Fiber laser systems characteristics

Today’s advanced fiber lasers are capable of delivering impressive performance while maintaining compact size and ease of use. As a result, they are in demand in many applications, such as aerospace, research, etc. Year after year, fiber laser systems are rapidly improving and changing.

The laser modules have a silica glass fiber optic cable as the light guide. Due to its small size and straight line, the laser beam becomes more accurate. While providing high laser beam quality, fiber lasers offer advantages in terms of robustness and safety. Laser modules take up little space. They are highly efficient and have low maintenance and operating costs.

Fiber laser systems applications

Different types of fiber lasers have found their applications. In particular, they are widely used in medicine: from diagnosing to cutting to non-invasive procedures.

Here are some areas where fiber laser systems are used:

  • Urology;
  • Brain tissue treatment;
  • Arthroscopy;
  • Bone and cutaneous surgery;
  • Ophthalmology;
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT);
  • Biomedical sensing – mid-infrared spectroscopy;
  • Dentistry;
  • Lithotripsy, etc.

When we talk about fiber laser applications in surgery, doctors use the laser beam as a scalpel. Typically, fiber lasers are used for minimally invasive surgery and with mini implants. Every new generation of laser products is getting smaller and thinner tools. Fiber laser technology is a perfect future solution.

Brain tissue treatment by fiber laser systems

Fiber laser systems have been used to perform neurological surgeries that are designed to treat neurological pathologies and oncology. The critical point in these surgeries is the specialized instruments that are able to cut the tissue and provide the most effective operating conditions for both the patient and the medical staff. For precise bloodless surgery with minimal thermal damage, fiber lasers have proven their effectiveness. They provide medical professionals with a surgical instrument for a more precise tissue removal. Laser modules can be integrated into a flexible cutting instrument. This allows access to hard-to-reach brain areas.

Neurological cancer surgery requires precise technology capable of removing tumor cells and tissue without damaging nearby healthy structures.This is complicated by the location of the neurological cancers. These cancers may adhere to bone structures, which can cause bleeding due to damage to the blood vessels. This makes it difficult for the surgeon to see during the operation. This is why you’ll find a range of instruments designed to dissect, fragment and resect in the operating room.

Application of fiber lasers in arthroscopy

Every year, more surgeons are switching to fiber lasers. Previously, fiber lasers were not as compact and affordable as today. As they have become easier to perform and less invasive, they have become available for use in a number of new surgical procedures. Fiber lasers revolutionized microsurgery. Thanks to them, damage to surrounding tissue is minimized.

Arthroscopic surgery uses fiber lasers. Arthroscopy is a medical procedure that is used to diagnose and treat problems with the joints of the body. Through the tiny incision, the narrow tube is inserted. This tube is connected to the fiber optic video camera. The high-resolution video monitor shows all the details inside the joint.

In this medical direction, the laser module devices have also improved the precision rates of cutting and ablation, while providing access to hard-to-reach areas.

All in all, when we are talking about fiber laser systems in medicine, they have become a multifunctional instrument for soft-tissue surgeries. Their ability to cut and coagulate simultaneously makes them irreplaceable in microsurgery.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber lasers in the medical industry

Fiber lasers have had a major impact in a variety of areas, including fundamental research, molecular detection, laser surgery, and biomedical research. Experts are making further progress in a number of studies using modern fiber laser technology. It is used for mid-IR laser spectroscopy, photodynamic therapy, etc.

In this article, we will look at the applications of fiber lasers in these two areas of medicine.

The current trend is to find the best applications for fiber laser systems, as for any other medical equipment. Firstly, they provide pain relief for patients during treatment. In addition, advanced laser modules increase the effectiveness of treatment. For maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time, high-precision laser beams are used. The ability to perform delicate procedures, minimal scarring and fast recovery are other benefits of fiber lasers.Fiber lasers for the medical industry

Fiber lasers for the Mid-IR Spectroscopy

Mid-infrared spectroscopy (or mid-IR) is a standard, non-destructive method of chemical analysis used in the laboratories.

New biomedical applications are of great importance due to the rising cost of healthcare and the need for rapid and non-destructive measurement technologies. In resource-constrained environments, compact designs of mid-infrared laser modules play a critical role in biomedical sensing applications.

The characteristics of fiber lasers, including benchtop applications, make them particularly suitable for biomedical applications. They provide high power spectral density and thus a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). And with today’s technology, final measurements are available in seconds.

The advancement of fiber laser systems has improved the clinical environment and treatment outcomes.

Fiber lasers for diabetes monitoring

Glucose monitoring in diabetes is one example of mid-infrared spectroscopy.

Glucometers are among the most widely used wearable biomedical sensors. Glucose monitoring is a necessary part of a patient’s life. They can do it either with the finger prick tests or with glucose monitoring devices worn on the body. Due to degradation, both types of devices have a limited lifespan. Mid-infrared spectroscopy can overcome some of the measurement problems. However, it can also face other difficulties.

According to modern technology, the process goes as follows: the device is placed on the patient’s skin, a flash lamp is activated, and broadband radiation is directed through the transmission fiber channel into the patient’s skin. Scattered and reflected optical signals are fed through the receiving optical fiber channels and interference filters to the arrays of CCDs. Then specialists see the information on the display.

Fiber laser systems for photodynamic therapy

PDT, or photodynamic therapy, is a treatment that uses a drug and the light of a laser beam to activate the drug. It is particularly effective in the destroying of cancerous and precancerous cells of various types including those of the lung, skin, bladder, brain and more. When it comes to cancer treatment, photodynamic therapy is used in the early stages under observation through the endoscope. Certain photosensitizers are also applied for treatment of other diseases such as bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Common information about photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy is usually used as a local treatment, which means it affects different specific parts of the body. The affected part of the body is irradiated with a laser beam from a fiber laser. Then, when exposed to light, a form of oxygen is produced that kills the cancer cells.

The custom PDT process includes 2 main stages:

  • Introduction of the photosensitizers into the body;
  • Light exposure.

The interval between these phases can vary from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the disease and its stage. There are different methods of light exposure. It depends on the localization of the pathological project:

  • Direct light exposure;
  • Endoscopic light exposure;
  • Intraoperative light exposure (during surgery);
  • Intravenous light exposure (blood photomodification).

PDT for use in ophthalmology

In ophthalmology, fiber lasers are used to treat certain eye diseases when we talk about PDT applications. For example, they are most commonly used in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). However, its role today remains quite limited. With this method, the photosensitizers are injected into the vein. They selectively accumulate in abnormal blood vessels. The low-power laser beam then activates the light-sensitive drugs. The drugs destroy or seal the abnormal vessels without damaging the other cells. Specialists consider photodynamic therapy as a way to slow the progression of the disease and preserve vision.

As the use of fiber lasers continues to grow in various medical fields, we can say that laser modules have proven to be effective. They have been instrumental in developing of a wide variety of fiber laser systems and obtaining useful theoretical and experimental results. This is especially true in the medical industry, where fiber lasers are widely used.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber lasers for scientific purposes

Fiber lasers have been implemented into a range of various applications, including atomic physics, atoms cooling, plasma acceleration, etc. Fiber laser systems have taken an active part in the development of these technologies and provided up-to-date ultra-precise devices. This article will discuss several scientific spheres where fiber lasers have found their applications.Fiber lasers for scientific purposes

Fiber laser systems’ requirements

Research and scientific fields need correctly designed and specialized equipment. Fiber lasers have to comply with the specific requirements due to the environments, taking into account the fact that laboratory conditions can differ from the real ones. However, scientists are always calculating situations that are close to reality, taking into account maximum permissible errors or tolerances.

Laser modules have all qualities that are necessary for all laser applications whether for industry or for laboratory. For example, operation stability and remote control provide high performance rates for any specialists. Moreover, fiber laser systems are easy-to-use in achieving scientific purposes in comparison with other devices.

Fiber lasers in atom cooling process

Fundamental physics has gained many opportunities due to the ability of cooling atoms to ultra-cold temperatures.

Cooling of the molecular gasses with fiber lasers is a challenging process that is difficult to perform because of the molecular structures’ complexity. The lastly developed technologies of the molecules cooling have made it possible to improve their precise control that results in making the interaction processes better.

Thus, fiber lasers systems have a great impact on this field of research. The understanding of the molecules’ interaction has allowed specialists to put chemistry reactions under control. Moreover, it has influenced the advancement of quantum materials.

Ultrafast fiber lasers for nonlinear optics

Ultrafast fiber lasers are used as a part of the multiphoton device for a number of spheres, including multiphoton microscopy, dual-comb spectroscopy, etc. A multiphoton microscope is a device that exploits the principle of nonlinear optics to create contrast in a sample. The multiphoton technique applies the nonlinear optics for samples’ imaging and making 3D images. Due to these processes, specialists have achieved better 3D imaging.

Along with the scientific research activities, this technology is especially beneficial in medicine where it helps in diagnosis of diseases and identification of material properties. Thus, it is applied for identifying various types of cancer, for example, for esophageal and pancreatic cancers.

Fiber laser systems for plasma physics

The majority of studies related to atomic physics are based on the interaction of two components: atoms and light. Fiber lasers have become a usual instrument in experiments of atomic physics. All questions connected to nuclear fusion processes such as nuclear reactions that occur in plasma, development in laser ion sources have received a great interest due to the gaining potential of this technology.

In plasma physics technology fiber lasers are applied as parts of plasma accelerators. Plasma accelerator is a sophisticated device that applies electric fields developed in plasma waves excited by intense fiber laser pulses. Such types of accelerators have proved to be extremely space-saving sources of energetic particles and radiation.

Plasma qualities depend on a number of parameters that are participating in its creation. Laser modules’ characteristics, irradiation conditions and the target parameters create the certain processes occurring in generated plasmas. It is also important to monitor the plasma condition constantly due to its short life. The specialized detectors provide full details of plasma characteristics, including its density, temperature, etc.

Fiber lasers have greatly contributed to plasma accelerators’ production. So, they have found their implementations in high energy physics, biological and medical sciences, etc. And there is still space for further research and innovations.

In recent years fiber lasers have proved to be an essential part in scientific fields, including the above-mentioned applications. The evolving role of science in many spheres demonstrates the growth of interest in scientific research activities of fiber laser systems.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber lasers for research and development purposes

Fiber lasers have shown themselves as powerful and effective instruments in various areas including medicine and science. They have also found their place in aspects where there is a need for research and development purposes. For instance, for quantum computing development.

The sophisticated calculations of the quantum computers have become possible due to the photons. In quantum computing, the basic unit of data is called quantum bit, or qubit. In comparison with the traditional bit, qubit can store multiple values at the same time. In the future, specialists are going to combine many qubits together to make better computational power.Fiber lasers for research and development

Fiber lasers for quantum computing

Fiber lasers have become one of the main technologies for creating the up-to-date quantum computing architectures. This field has reached unprecedented heights by improving quantum software and hardware technologies.

Sophisticated fiber laser systems play a crucial role in quantum equipment development. Specialists are interested in improvement of the laser modules that will suit quantum calculations due to their advantages. They appreciate fiber lasers’ qualities such as high levels of accuracy and control, compact size, etc. Furthermore, they are able to become parts of more powerful and complex solutions.

Techniques of the qubits creating

Nowadays, specialists have learnt how to apply good, reliable qubits with the help of trapped ions. Scientists have found many benefits of their applications. Trapped ions are easily managed and can interact with the nearby neighbors. They provide high rates of fidelity and relatively long coherence time that means the qubits are long-lived. Moreover, they can perfectly match other trapped ion qubits to make quantum algorithms.

There are at least ten methods that are usually applied for creating qubits in quantum computing. Here is a list of a few of them:

Creation qubits with the trapped ions

Why do specialists apply ions meaning charged atoms as qubits? The leading cause is that they can be trapped at the precise location with the help of electric fields.

The first method of the qubits creation with trapped ions is effective technology for quantum computing. The qubits are created by encoding quantum information in the internal states of charged ions. With the help of a fiber laser, the cloud of ions is created. When ions are cooled, they can be trapped with the usage of electric and magnetic fields. Due to the fiber laser proper configuration, specialists can produce robust qubits by encoding quantum information in the internal states of the trapped ions.

This type of qubits has more benefits in comparison with the other types, for example, high accuracy and low error rates. Moreover, this kind of qubits is perfect for manipulation and control of separate qubits and therefore for quantum computing.

Trapped ions are in the foundation of quantum computers. But they are further developing to become powerful for other more complicated devices in the future.

Creation qubits with the neutral atoms

The second method comes from neutral atoms that are applied in encoding quantum information in the internal states for creating qubits. Neutral atoms are relatively insensitive to environmental noise and have long coherence times.

For this method specialists apply a range of optical tweezers to trap and manipulate separate atoms. The tweezers are made with the laser beams focusing on a small spot. With the cooled atoms, there is an opportunity to trap the atoms in tweezers and then create qubits.

Due to this technique, specialists can provide reliable qubits considering the right frequency and timing of the microwave or radio frequency pulses during their creation.

Quantum computing with the help of precise fiber lasers have become an important instrument both in scientific and industrial fields. There is no wonder that they are so widespread due to their physical abilities and simple operational principles. These technologies, along with fiber laser systems, are already well-developed. Producers are constantly looking for a range of new viable solutions that will allow the use of quantum computing in other directions around the world.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Low-power fiber laser systems in medicine

Nowadays, fiber laser systems demonstrate enormous growth and advantages in many industries including aerospace, car manufacturing, etc.

Less powerful fiber lasers have also found their fields for applications. One of such fields is medicine that has benefited a lot from fiber lasers deployment into varied treatment processes and procedures.

This article focuses on two of them: photoacoustic imaging and tissue engineering.Low-power fiber laser systems in medicine

Fiber lasers for photoacoustic imaging

Fiber laser systems have played a crucial role in photoacoustic imaging and are perfectly suitable for this technology because they are compact and are able to provide high levels of sensitivity. Moreover, the applied sensors that contain fiber lasers are resistant to environmental disturbances, for example, temperature and pressure modifications. Due to the fiber lasers, a range of issues with the traditional sensors were solved.

Usually, photoacoustic imaging is applied for endoscopy and intravascular applications. That’s why it needs sensors based on the extremely precise fiber lasers.

Fiber lasers for photoacoustic tomography

One of the fields of photoacoustic imaging called photoacoustic tomography is an imaging technology that provides high-resolution and non-invasive imaging. That’s why it was welcomed by most specialists and patients. Moreover, it is viewed with great interest because of a number of applications in life science and disease diagnoses.

All in all, photoacoustic imaging has a huge potential for medical treatments instead of the electrical ultrasound. Modern fiber laser modules as well as sensors have become powerful instruments for this technique.

Fiber lasers for tissue engineering

The other development direction of the fiber laser systems is tissue engineering. Due to the modern fiber laser technology, there is a possibility of creating biological systems by arrangement of biomaterials and living cells.

We can say that tissue engineering wouldn’t be possible without the existence of precise and robust technology. The rapidly developing up-to-date fiber lasers use contemporary computer technologies for structuring of the living and nonliving materials. Cutting-edge technology makes the precise manipulations of cells and complex tissue constructions. Thus, specialists can create complex constructions that are further applied in basic cell biology studies, regenerative medicine, etc.

Tissue engineering consists of engineering and life science principles. It works on the development of alternatives that will be able to improve or restore the tissues or even organs. The ultimate purpose of this technology is building artificial solutions that will truly imitate the natural biological environments. In this case, cells will be able to function whether in artificial or real tissue.

Future development of tissue engineering technology

In the future, scientists are going to design artificial biological structures that are highly functional and consist of the cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. As a result, cell engineering will use interactions of various cell types to create cellular microenvironments that are similar to real organs as much as possible.

The most recent application of fiber laser systems demonstrated their unique features for regenerative medicine and other medical devices where this technology is used.

Nowadays, advanced fiber laser systems have made different precise manipulation and imaging possible. Specialists have got an opportunity to apply up-to-date fiber laser technology in many medical fields, involving photoacoustic imaging and tissue engineering.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber laser systems for multiphoton microscopy

Fiber lasers have greatly evolved over the last years, becoming a significant force in manufacturing and high technology.

Fiber laser technology is still expanding its limits in the list of various applications. High-power lasers change the machining industry and our economy fundamentally, while low-power highly accurate fiber lasers are applied in medicine, biotech and physical sciences. Fiber lasers’ popularity increase is a result of their end-use benefits, such as reliability, usability, operation stability, etc.Fiber laser systems for multiphoton microscopy

What is multiphoton microscopy?

Multiphoton microscopy is a laser scanning microscopy method. In this technique there are as little as two or three photons. They are combined to generate high resolution 3D images of microscopic samples.

Laser microscopy has turned out to become an instrument in material development and studies. It is mostly applied in biological sciences and tissue engineering. Scientists use it for imaging of living biological tissues that can be conducted due to different scales whether on the molecular levels or through the whole organism.

During the experiments, multiphoton microscopy (MPM) is able to provide the most accurate measurements of the biological activities. Measurement procedures can last from several seconds to weeks, or even months that would cause some discomfort for patients. In these cases, minimal invasion plays a crucial role for them, besides, providing the most precise results.

This far-field imaging is developing rapidly and demands more complicated contemporary fiber lasers. The further progress will expand the capabilities of multiphoton microscopy in observing biological processes within deep layers of living tissues with minimal damage.

Fiber laser systems in multiphoton microscopy

As for multiphoton microscopy, fiber lasers are essential elements of this technology. Compared to usual lasers, fiber laser modules have a range of advantages.

  • Due to the absence of a separate optical medium for beam delivery, fiber lasers are more stable and easier to maintain. They provide very high levels of optical gain.
  • In comparison with traditional CO2 lasers, fiber lasers have a higher power conversion rate, they are energy efficient.
  • Thanks to the highly focused narrow laser beam, laser modules can be applied in complex designs where there is a necessity in high precision.
  • Fiber lasers don’t have any moving parts that require regular servicing.
  • Fiber laser systems can be more expensive than other lasers on the market. However, the previously mentioned benefits reduce ownership cost and make fiber lasers cost-effective. Along with the less maintenance, the other factor – less power – helps in reducing the operating costs.

Applications of fiber laser systems in multiphoton microscopy

Thanks to the modern fiber lasers’ abilities and above-mentioned advantages, fiber laser technology is developing and still is looking for its limits.

Multiphoton microscopy is applied in various medical and biological fields.

Fiber lasers for oncology

Multiphoton microscopy measurements have proven to be one of the most effective imaging instruments when there is a necessity in detection of the malignancy. This instrument is able to identify malignancy of affected areas. For example, it can help medical specialists in bladder evaluation in real time and impression of extracted bladder tissue. Along with bladder cancer, multiphoton microscopy is also applied to evaluate prostate cancer. Multiphoton microscopy uses fiber lasers, and as any medical procedure, requires preliminary analysis.

Fiber laser systems for immunology

Multiphoton microscopy is able to image cells in vivo effectively. However, there is a need for an appropriate fiber laser that plays a significant role. This technology requires an accurate fiber laser that due to its qualities is able to create contrast in scattering tissue and at the same time reduce phototoxicity and photobleaching. Thanks to multiphoton microscopy, immunology has broken new ground, for example, by intravital imaging of leukocytes at a single-cell level.

Orchestration of cell migration, interactions between cells and intracellular signaling events have become possible because of the up-to-date technology of the multiphoton microscopy. Not so long ago multiphoton microscopy was applied only in a few specialized laboratories. Nowadays, this technique that uses fiber laser systems is far more extended and has become more publicly available.

Fiber lasers for neuroscience

Multiphoton excitation with the fiber laser pulses have given an opportunity to get the high-resolution images. With the increasing role of microscopy, fiber laser technology has also developed and proved to be the most suitable.

Neuroscience is one of the most modern research areas. Specialists study a variety of the neuronal networks to find out the nature of brain pathologies and create a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. Nowadays, scientists have received an ability to analyze brain activity during the interaction of the brain and visual organs, carrying out some operations, etc. The observation of the brain operations is necessary for understanding of its functioning and pathological conditions’ appearance.

Deep brain imaging helps with these purposes. However, there are factors that should be taken into account during the fiber laser designing, for example, providing the proper volume. The problem is the deeper the penetration, the worse image quality. As a result, fiber lasers are the most suitable for neuroscience because fiber laser systems are power scalable.

Laser modules for spermatogenesis

Multiphoton microscopy makes the visualization of different biological processes in live tissues possible. For spermatogenesis multiphoton microscopy uses fiber lasers for visualization of all tubules with and without sperm.

As a result of the latest development, this technology of sperm extraction has replaced conventional testis biopsies. Nowadays, specialists are improving new technology and solving other challenges. Due to modern technology, the tubules’ retrieval relies only on appearance. So, in the future multiphoton microscopy has every chance to help real-time visualization improvement and apply it in clinical applications.

All in all, fiber laser systems are considered to be suitable and remarkable instruments for multiphoton microscopy that leads to the expansion of the boundaries in science and medicine. Multiphoton microscopy as well as laser modules give an opportunity to develop the treatment of such diseases as epilepsy, Parkinson, etc.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber lasers in flow visualization

Since the invention of the first fiber laser module, these systems have found a range of applications in a number of scientific studies related to biology, chemistry, astronomy, etc. In the future, scientists are going to develop more contemporary fiber lasers due to the challenges of the modern world. Nowadays, fiber laser systems participate in a number of various field experiments from triggering lightning in thunderclouds to genomics.Fiber lasers in flow visualization

Advantages of the fiber laser systems

A fiber laser is a well-structured compact laser that provides high electrical and optical efficiency. Fiber lasers are reliable and capable of delivering well-controlled and accurately directed laser beams. By amplifying specific wavelengths inside optical fibers specialists are able to design a fiber laser system with excellent beam quality and high peak energy.

Lasers are not intended to be light sources as illumination devices. However, they are good at light concentrating in space or particular wavelengths. The majority of laser applications can be divided into three segments:

  • the data transmission and processing;
  • accurate delivery of energy;
  • alignment, measurement, and imaging.

Fiber lasers have many significant advantages in comparison with the other laser types. Except for the previously mentioned high-quality laser beam and many other features, laser modules are powerful due to their high brightness. Fiber lasers don’t require any additional maintenance because optical fibers are set up without any mirrors and lenses.

Flow visualization with fiber lasers

Flow visualization is a technology that is applied to make the flow patterns visible for getting qualitative or quantitative data about them. This method is to observe the behavior of particles in the air stream. Lasers help to see the direction and uniformity of the air flow.

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is one of the technologies that refers to the flow visualization. It has received great popularity in a range of scientific and engineering spheres. PIV technology is required when there is a necessity in measurements of various fluids and gas characteristics, for example, instantaneous velocities.

A custom PIV system includes a multi-pulsed fiber laser system, at least one camera synchronized with the laser, and a computer to display the received information.

Specialists can apply CW or pulsed fiber lasers in the acquisition process of PIV data. Fiber lasers are used because they are highly powerful with short pulse durations. Fiber laser modules make small implemented tracer particles visible. With the flow of the fluid, they are moving at the same pace. Then with the help of a camera a series of photos is taken which are used for further calculations of particles’ speed or direction.

Applications of the PIV technology

Due to its capabilities, particle image velocimetry has found its applications in many fields where highly macro and microscopic scales are used.

As any other fiber laser-based application, PIV is a technology that requires highly reliable laser modules. In reality, they have to operate in harsh environments that bring some difficulties outside the lab. That’s why specialists are mostly interested in creating robust and cost-effective laser modules.

Particle image velocimetry systems are proved to be valuable instruments. They are applied in a range of industries, for example, in aerospace, agriculture, medicine, etc.

Here are some more detailed examples of applications that fiber lasers have as PIV technology components.

Automation and quality control processes for gas and liquid production. PIV technology based on the most modern methods can be applied for the simultaneous measurements of the velocity and turbulence fields including gas and oil production.

Measurements and analysis of the indoor airflow fields. It can be complicated to measure a complex turbulent flow field accurately. That’s why the PIV technique is used to meet these challenges. A number of studies have demonstrated this technology’s effectiveness and named it one of the most universal instruments for measuring. Depending on the scientists’ purposes, they can choose a range of parameters for measurements. Despite some limitations for PIV systems, the obtained data about indoor flow is essential for validating numerical simulations and analyzing.

Combustion diagnostics. PIV technique has become an advanced instrument for combustion constructions. Its optimization, including improvement of the in-cylinder flow structures, is necessary due to new emission regulations focusing on reduction of pollutant formation in engines. When we are talking about combustion diagnostics, there are some challenges. Due to the engines’ structure, it’s complicated to analyze any changes.

PIV technology in medicine. In addition to the technical measurements, PIV has been widely applied in evaluation of the medical devices’ performance, for example, of the blood pumps, artificial heart valves, etc. It can also make predictions of the blood damage potential that different medical devices have. This technology mostly depends on the quantity of the images, their resolution and quality.

Nowadays, PIV technology has proved to be effective, and specialists are still looking for new ways of its applications for various systems. Fiber lasers, in turn, have played a great role in its development thanks to their advantages compared to the usual production equipment.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber laser modules in various fields of medicine

Since the creation of the first laser modules, specialists have conducted intense research on the effects of laser radiation on biological tissues. Fiber lasers have greatly helped in developing a number of treating methods of various diseases.Laser modules in medicine

The main advantages of fiber laser modules in medicine

In accordance with radiation power, laser modules can be used in different ways including heating, cutting, or coagulation of biological tissue. Here are the advantages of medical instruments with fiber lasers when they are compared to the traditional medical equipment:

  • fiber lasers can provide non-invasive or minimally invasive cut;
  • high temperature helps in sterilization of the wounds, reducing the risk of infection;
  • there is minimal swelling of wounds;
  • reduction of the postoperative consequences;
  • postoperative period is reduced.

Nowadays, fiber lasers have found their applications in otorhinolaryngology, treatment of vascular diseases, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, traumatology, neurosurgery, gynecology, proctology, dentistry and other fields.

Fiber lasers’ radiation levels and their applications

Due to the fiber laser wavelength, different effects of radiation on biological tissues are possible. It depends on the optical properties of the fiber laser radiation, namely, the absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient, and also on moisture saturation. Absorption of radiation in biological tissues determines the depth of penetration. Water and hemoglobin are the main substances that absorb radiation in biological tissues.

Here are the most common laser modules’ radiation rates that are applied in the medical industry:

  • 0.94-0.98 µm radiation is an optimal mix of cutting and coagulation for surgery;
  • 1.06 μm radiation is used for controlled volumetric tissue heating;
  • 1.4–1.8 μm wavelength differs from the previous ranges. Water heating 100 °C and its further evaporation plays the crucial role;
  • The next wavelength range that is applied in medicine is 1.8–2.1 μm. The laser modules with such radiation, similar to CO2 lasers, provide good cutting properties, small zone of thermal damage and good coagulation;
  • Nowadays, lasers with wavelength >2 μm have already found a wide range of applications. However, scientists are confident that more ways to use it can be found. The wavelengths between 2.05 µm and 2.3 µm are operating in the atmospheric transmission window. Most of all these laser modules are applied where safety of vision is strategic.
  • Thulium-doped fiber lasers can provide a wavelength range of 1900 – 2000 nm that meets the absorption peak in biological tissues:
    • Fiber lasers with a power of up to 10 W are applied in cosmetology and dentistry;
    • Lasers with a power of 40 W are used with great success in gynecology, proctology and vascular pathology treatment;
    • Fiber lasers with a power of 50-120 W are applied in urology for transurethral vaporization of the prostate.

Features of fiber lasers’ use in medicine

Nowadays, fiber lasers are applied in a number of technical and scientific fields due to their qualities. Laser modules are compact, irresistible to vibrations and electromagnetic radiation and can be equipped with a variety of commercially available components.

Due to the variety of pathologies and great number of diseases, there should be an individual approach to every fiber laser system. Specialists provide the accurate set of laser operating modes for every specific medical field. Fiber lasers have made great progress in reduction of injuries during operations and making the recovery period shorter.

It should also be mentioned that laser modules are significant instruments in modern surgery as an endoscopic technology. Fiber lasers are fully compatible with surgical endoscopes, at the same time providing minimally invasive surgery.

Currently, in the rapidly changing world of fiber laser technology, laser modules are widely produced in biology and medicine. In the future, scientists are going to study the effect of laser radiation on artificial and natural biological tissues further and optimize the parameters of fiber lasers.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Laser modules in optical pumping and optical trapping

Laser modules are applied in various industrial spheres due to the broad spectrum of produced wavelengths. High-power fiber laser systems are commonly used for welding, marking, cutting, etc. Low-power but more precise fiber lasers fit for applications where there is a need for high accuracy, for example, for science and medicine.

This article is dedicated to the two applications of low-power fiber laser modules such as laser pumping and optical trapping.Laser modules in optical pumping and optical trapping

Most common advantages of the laser modules

Laser diodes are applied in optical pumping of fiber lasers and DPSS. They are proved to be extremely effective, robust and compact in the laser industry. What is more important, laser modules provide high peak energy and stable laser beam quality. Let’s see all these advantages in detail:

  • The idea of photons’ limiting in rare earth-doped fiber gives fiber lasers priority over the other laser types. That is stability. Since a fiber laser generates the beam within the core, there is no need for complex or sensitive optical equipment. At the same time in a usual laser there is an optical fiber for laser beam regulation. Otherwise, optical fiber is applied for the mirror reflection. Both these operation principles constantly require highly accurate adjustment by the specialist every time they fail. Unlike conventional lasers, fiber lasers don’t have such a high level of sensitivity to the movements and shocks, keeping the operation stability the same.
  • To provide the straight and high-quality laser beam, there is a limitation by the doped fiber core. As a result, the focusing made by the laser beam is more accurate and effective.
  • Energy efficiency is the other strength that fiber lasers have. They can transfer almost all the input they get into the beam. Therefore, the limitation of energy amounts reduces the conversion to thermal energy. That makes fiber better thermally protected and immune to degradation.
  • Nowadays, the majority of laser sources have water-cooled operating systems. In contrast to them, fiber lasers use air cooling technology to take the heat out of the laser. This fact lets specialists solve the portability and power consumption issues. The specialists have developed the most effective cooling systems based on the heat dissipation calculations for different parts and a number of comprehensive studies of thermal loading. Due to the modern chilling systems, thermal dissipation of the fiber lasers with the air cooling technology is proved to be a highly effective method in mitigation of the thermal effects.
  • Fiber laser systems with 1 – 100 W output power ranges offer a wide choice of different wavelengths.

Fiber laser systems in optical pumping

Optical pumping of a certain laser medium is its illumination by an external light source in order to transfer it to an excited electronic state, the entire environment or its components. Fiber lasers, as all fiber laser systems, need an excitation source to pump energy into the system.

Nowadays, the most common forms of optical pumping include semiconductor lasers (laser diodes), solid-state, or fiber lasers. Solid-state and fiber lasers are pumped with laser diodes.

Laser pumping can be made in two methods: continuous or pulsed modes. The key distinction between these types is the delivery method of laser pumping source which is connected to fiber core and then fused into a double clad fiber. This double clad fiber is alloyed with certain material for the particular laser module. According to the applied material, the absorption band can be wide or narrow. It means that there can be applied conventional laser diodes, or wavelength stabilized diodes in some cases.

Fiber laser modules in optical trapping

Optical trapping is a scientific instrument applying a focused laser beam to hold and manipulate microscopic objects. Mostly this technology is effectively used in biomedical studies.

Thanks to the ability to work with nanoparticles, optical trapping can study the single molecules. That’s why progress in optical trapping has greatly helped in research of DNA properties and associated proteins.

Most of the optical trap systems employ laser modules with the 1 μm wavelength. For them, these lasers are necessary because their chances of biological material’s damage are lower. Such wavelength is optimal for aqueous biological specimens with a low absorption coefficient.

With both these instrument types scientists apply laser modules in modern micro- and nanotechnology. The efficiency of optical trapping and optical pumping has brought new opportunities to science.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at

Fiber laser systems for scientific research

Fiber laser technology has proved to be an effective instrument in a number of various fields and applications. If it comes to the field of science, fiber laser systems are applied in medical sciences, biology, micromachining, etc. Fiber laser is in many ways the best solution for professional engineers and researchers for their projects’ development.Fiber laser systems for science

The most general characteristics of the fiber laser systems

The top quality of the laser beam, great performance and power efficiency have helped fiber lasers to find a place in many areas of scientific and biomedical studies. Fiber lasers imply an ultra-narrow linewidth and reliable working operation thanks to the short cavity length and phase-shifted design.

The single-frequency fiber lasers are perfectly fit for various applications due to the various ranges of frequency or wavelength. Such applications include, for instance, optical trapping and atom cooling. The other parameters of laser modules, like compact size and low noise, make it possible to use it in interferometric sensing.

Laser engineers and scientists are constantly looking for new opportunities for the fiber lasers and developing more sophisticated technologies.

Types of fiber lasers due to their parameters

Fiber laser systems can be classified due to many categories, but there are parameters that play a crucial role in operations. These features are listed below.

  • Laser power. High-power fiber lasers provide more energy and operate faster in comparison with low-power lasers. Laser power is measured in watts.
  • Mode. This parameter relates to the core’s size in the optical fiber. There are single-mode and multimode fiber lasers. The single-mode lasers have a smaller diameter of the core and transit laser light successfully and at the same time providing a better laser beam quality. Multimode lasers have larger diameter in comparison with the single-mode ones.
  • Laser source. Lasers can also be varied considering the applied material of the laser source. There are thulium-doped fiber lasers, erbium-doped fiber lasers, ytterbium-doped fiber lasers, etc. Each of them has different wavelengths and fields of application.
  • Operating mode. The difference of fiber lasers depending on the operating mode is connected to the way the laser beam is released. There are usually lasers with continuous-wave or the pulsed mode. The pulsed lasers have the short pulses that are released at an established repetition rate. While in the continuous-wave operation mode, a continuous laser beam is released. Simply put, its amount of energy is at the same level all the time.

Fiber lasers for science in short

Fiber lasers are considered to be a unique technique suitable for many applications that can be combined into one sphere called the science.

Talking about science, laser modules perfectly fit for biophotonics, multiphoton microscopy, neuroscience, etc. From the date of creation, a fiber laser has been applied as an instrument for research in astronomy, physics, biology, chemistry, etc.

Ultra precise fiber laser technology covers a variety of medical and scientific disciplines, where fiber lasers are already used, or their strong impact is possible, for example:

  • High energy physics;
  • Attosecond science;
  • Ultrafast X-ray science;
  • High harmonic generation;
  • Femtosecond chemistry, etc.

The ultrashort pulse fiber lasers allow conducting scientific and medical research in different fields. The fiber laser systems with the mid-infrared wavelength range provide the analysis of biochemical content of tissues.
Here are some other spheres where fiber lasers are applied.

Fiber lasers for SFG spectroscopy

One of the applications of the fiber laser systems is SFG spectroscopy. Spectroscopy provides detailed data on the molecular level about the structure and molecular groups by studying the atoms’ vibrations.

This technology outperforms the traditional methods by the means of good qualities like vibrational specificity and surface sensitivity. In this approach laser beam quality is important because it generates the SFG signal. Due to spectrometers’ abilities to effectively provide precise measurements and vibrational spectroscopy studies, they are often applied for chemical and biochemical laboratories, as well as for the studies in physics, material science, etc.

New approach for fiber lasers in plasma physics

In plasma physics scientists have recently suggested a new way of working with high-power lasers for the accelerators. They have got an idea of combining the lately developed laser modules with laser-plasma accelerators.

The fiber lasers are fast and compact. That helps in the creation of compact and well-managed accelerators that can be applied in various related spheres, like high-energy physics or biomedical treatment. The researchers are planning to use an intense laser beam fired through a gas to generate a plasma wave.

Ultrafast fiber lasers for optogenetics

Fiber lasers have also found another application in the specific sphere of neuroscience called optogenetics. Optogenetics is a field of biophotonics. It is a recent approach that has provided new opportunities for brain study. Due to this technology, researchers can study the neurological activity in particular cells of the brain. The research and studies in this field will assist the developments of treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The concept is to use fiber lasers for the exploration of the brain’s neural network. Scientists study it with the help of the light that activates or inhibits signaling of neurons in the brain. Fiber lasers provide the necessary laser beam quality and accurate modulation. Moreover, laser modules are compact and cost-effective which makes them easy to use.

Fiber laser systems possess some benefits over the other lasers that’s why they have more and more applications in different scientific areas. During all these years fiber lasers have achieved fast progress and led to modern inventions. Their advancement demonstrates excellent physical and other characteristics.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at