Diverse applications of fiber lasers

Over the past decades, fiber lasers have gained their popularity in different industries due to their qualities and benefits. Depending on their capabilities, they are applied in the industrial sectors, as marking or cutting instruments, in medicine and science, as tools for extremely precise procedures and processes. They have become universal machines that are developed for the most demanding applications. Here are some of them.Diverse applications of fiber lasers

Fiber lasers for cytometry

Fiber lasers provide the basis for excellent cytometry instruments. Their accuracy and efficiency are the driving force behind the development of flow cytometry for particulate matter analysis.

Flow cytometry is a laser-based technology for the measurement, identification and counting of particles or cells.

Using fiber lasers, researchers and scientists can make high-resolution measurements and detailed analyses of particle size, shape, and composition. Fiber laser systems are used to find out if there is any kind of disturbance in the cells.

Flow cytometry uses fiber laser systems with varying wavelengths as light sources. These fiber lasers illuminate cells suspended in a liquid stream. This illumination allows scientists to isolate biomarkers for analysis, identify irregular cells for abnormalities, and count or sort cells based on specific cell characteristics. The versatility and accuracy of fiber lasers contribute to advances in particle characterization, enabling a deeper understanding of complex particle systems in various scientific and industrial applications.

In this way, fiber lasers promote the continuous development of flow cytometry to meet the analytical requirements of scientific or medical research.

Fiber laser systems for holography

Fiber lasers have revolutionized holography by providing a stable and coherent light source for creating high quality holograms.

Holography is a method of information registration which is based on the interference of the waves. Thanks to this, there is a possibility to make three-dimensional images with the help of a fiber laser light source. The precise quality of the laser beam and the ability to deliver a high level of power in a compact form make them an ideal choice for holographic applications. In addition, its reliability and versatility have contributed significantly to the advancement of holography technology, opening up new possibilities in entertainment, security, scientific visualization, and medical imaging.

Fiber lasers make it possible to create intricate and detailed holographic images, enabling advances in holographic displays, security features, and 3D imaging. These lasers have also facilitated the development of cutting-edge holographic technologies for use in art, virtual reality, and data storage, further expanding their impact across multiple industries.

Fiber lasers for optical measurements

Optical metrology combines the dimensions of physical properties in a non-contact manner. One of its tools, which is one of the most widely used in the optical industry, is interferometry.

Interferometry is a measurement technique that uses the principles of wave interference. It is a long-established technology that has been improved by modern electronics, software, etc. It has been applied to a number of scientific fields, including space exploration, environmental measurements, etc.

In turn, the advantages of fiber lasers have helped this technology to reach a new level in astronomy, engineering, etc. Here are some of them:

Easy to install and use

Speaking of optical measurements, they are easier to set up than other technologies. It’s a particularly useful feature in conditions of frequent workpiece changes. The use of optical technologies simplifies and speeds up the installation and operation of measurement processes.

Measurement accuracy

The second major advantage of optical measurement is its high accuracy, which can be measured down to the nanometer range. Modern high quality fiber lasers have made this possible. Their coherent and stable light output provides accurate dimensional data in interferometric setups.

Non-contact process

In addition to accuracy, fiber lasers allow for a non-contact process without destroying objects. This is useful for work with fragile and delicate objects. Specialists can take measurements in seconds and receive analysis in real time.

Fiber lasers are versatile tools with a wide range of applications in many different fields. The flexibility and high performance of fiber lasers have made them an essential component in advanced scientific processes.

Optromix Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, USA, is a manufacturer of laser technologies, optical fiber sensors, and optical monitoring systems. We develop and manufacture a broad variety of Fiber lasers, СО2 lasers, Ti: Sapphire lasers, Dye lasers, and Excimer Lasers. We offer simple Erbium laser and Ytterbium laser products, as well as sophisticated laser systems with unique characteristics, based on the client’s inquiry.
We manufacture laser modules using our technologies based on the advanced research work and patents of the international R&D team. Laser processes are high-quality, high-precision, easily automated manufacturing solutions that provide repeatability and flexibility.
If you are interested in Optromix fiber laser systems or Optromix CO2 lasers, please contact us at info@optromix.com